What is REMIND and why is it safe?
REMIND is a text messaging system that the Cal High Instrumental Music program utilizes to facilitate effective program communication. It is a great way to receive notifications from the Band Director about important events and updates. Two-Way communication is used during trips and events for emergency situations. With REMIND, all personal information remains completely confidential.
Sign Up for REMIND!
Parents & Students: Please send the text message (for the appropriate group) to the number listed below. Note: Marching Band is separated by the graduation year.
You may be prompted to enter your first and last name. Do NOT use nicknames. Remember to capitalize the first letter of each. Example: Jason Rodgers
MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD (Students & Parents):
Class of 2022, text the code @mbcg22 to the number 81010
Class of 2023, text the code @mbcg23 to the number 81010
Class of 2024, text the code @mbcg24 to the number 81010
Class of 2025, text the code @mbcg25 to the number 81010
Text the code @boostcal to the number 81010
CLASS ENSEMBLES (Students only):
Symphonic Band, text the code @symphcal to the number 81010
Wind Ensemble, text the code @windcal to the number 81010
Jazz Band, text the code @jazzbcal to the number 81010
Jazz Ensemble, text the code @jazzencal to the number 81010